Archive | September, 2015 RSS feed for this section

Visitors Center

09 Sep 2015

Visitors Center

At long beach

Rainforest Hike

08 Sep 2015

Rainforest Hike

Beautiful place


08 Sep 2015


I know exactly how you feel buddy

Touch Tank

07 Sep 2015

Touch Tank

Aquarium day

Uculete Lighthouse Trail

07 Sep 2015

Uculete Lighthouse Trail

Beautiful hike

Getting really good at walking

06 Sep 2015


06 Sep 2015


Running free on chestermans beach

Playground Fun in Sydney BC

05 Sep 2015

Family in the Tree

05 Sep 2015

Family in the Tree

Old growth forest stop on the way to Tofino

Making Friends

04 Sep 2015

Making Friends

So fun to meet people when you’re 14 months old!